The next time your other half glares at you as you head to the garage to work on your car, remind them a recent study has shown this to be a major player in easing stress and anxiety.

The UK study discovered a host of seemingly everyday activities that are likely to ease stress and anxiety, with making tea or coffee (49%), watering plants (31%) and working on a car (18%) among the top 30 stress busters – this, according to eBay which commissioned the research.

A staggering 91% agree you can find relaxation in everyday tasks, with two thirds (66%) highlighting the car as a big stress and anxiety busting area. Not only is working on a car a big source of relaxation, but also helps owners reduce costs, with a third (31%) spending up to two hours tinkering on their car and 13% saving up to R3 500. 

The survey also found giving the car a polish (42%), performing routine maintenance (41%), fixing and changing the headlights (19%) are the most relaxing vehicle related tasks. One in four (21%) go a step further and admit spending more time tinkering with their car or motorbike than on any other hobbies and tasks.

Echoing the classic 70s book ‘Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance’ the study found tactile tasks with an end product are one of the most satisfying of all (49%), so it is no surprise crocheting (14%), cleaning the car out (12%) and making flatpack furniture (6%) were also on the list.

The study also found more than half 56% believe everyday tasks can actually be MORE relaxing than meditation or yoga, with jobs that don’t require any thought (53%) being the best for finding a moment of calm. More than a third (37%) find activities that save them money the most stress free. 

Laura Richards, eBay category lead for vehicle Parts and Accessories said: “I’m not surprised people find relaxation and relieve stress by doing ordinary household chores and hobbies. Working on a project car or doing those little bits of DIY on your daily run-around, not only provide that sense of achievement people enjoy but also help reduce costs.”  


  1. Making a cup of tea or coffee – 49%
  2. Watering plants – 31%
  3. Chopping food like herbs – 31%
  4. Hanging out the washing – 28%
  5. Mowing the lawn – 26%
  6. Folding the washing – 25%
  7. Vacuuming – 25%
  8. Driving – 23%
  9. Painting walls – 23%
  10. Weeding the garden – 23%
  11. Ironing – 23%
  12. Wiping the kitchen surfaces – 21%
  13. Walking around the supermarket – 20%
  14. Working on your car – 18%
  15. Making the bed – 18%
  16. Washing the car – 17%
  17. Sorting out life admin – 14%
  18. Crocheting/knitting – 14%
  19. Sorting the recycling – 13%
  20. Watching the washing machine cycle – 13%
  21. Grating cheese – 12%
  22. Cleaning a tiled floor – 11%
  23. Mashing boiled potatoes – 10%
  24. Sweeping – 9%
  25. Cleaning the windows – 9%
  26. Trimming the edges of the lawn – 9%
  27. Tidying your garage – 6%
  28. Shining your shoes – 6%
  29. Making flatpack furniture – 6%
  30. Chopping wood – 6%

Colin Windell - proudly CHANGECARS